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  • Comedy

A Simple Mistake

0h 8m
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Mr. Hallate is leaving for a trip and his loving wife is helping him to get his belongings out with him. At last everything is ready and she goes on the stoop and watches him get into the rig. Augustus Slip, who happens to pass at this moment, sees her and, like other men of small stature, becomes deeply enamored with the ponderous Mrs. Hallate. He goes and purchases a bouquet and, returning to the house, walks into the parlor and forces his attentions on Mrs. Hallate. She, however, will have none of him, and as he refuses to leave, flies for revenge to the maid in the kitchen. The maid happens to be entertaining her friend, Officer O'Brien, and Mrs. Hallate is indeed glad to see a limb of the law, and requests him to eject the eloquent Augustus. Meantime, Mr. Hallate has missed his train, and accordingly returns to his home. Augustus hearing him enter, hides behind a curtain, and when the officer enters Hallate is the only man in sight.


Augustus Slip
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  • Status
  • Release date
    Sept. 24, 1910
  • Original Language
  • Production Companies
    • Pathé Frères